
Look Into the Mirror, Dude

Friends, so inspired was I by "Gunfight" that I recorded a cover version of it today. Since we all composed it together, my interpretation of it will only be my own. I may have inadvertently veered away from your contribution to the song, or I may have inadvertently jettisoned some aspect you view important. Think of my version as a mirror on ourselves, one person's reflection of what he hears in front of him.

Read more about the song here, and then listen to it here.

It would be great if this were the first in a long tradition of Barb Tide covers.


The Voodoo Garage

"The Voodoo Garage" is posted. Download either MP3 or AAC files from the MUSIC section of the site. Here's the track list:
  1. Humpbacks
  2. Big Spin of Life
  3. Sand Headache
  4. Until I Die
  5. Mexico via San Jose
  6. Flight of the Flagpole
  7. Now
  8. Package Man
  9. Learning
  10. Toward the Moonlight
  11. Country Club
  12. Last Night
  13. The Lair's Train
  14. Squandered the Lead
  15. Gunfight
  16. I Know You (Took My Bike)
  17. Too Many Turns
  18. Wake Up Scarlet
  19. Firecracker
  20. More For Me
I guess we were really saving up because together the 20 tracks are over 2 hours and 26 minutes. If you're thinking, "that's way too much for one sitting", no worries. Try nibbling on Toward the Moonlight, The Lair's Train, Squandered the Lead, or I Know You (Took My Bike) to start with. They're tasty...

As long as there has been Barbtide, there have been mysteries, such as: "Who's playing that harmonica?" or "Who's funky enough to be responsible for that bass line?". Thanks to this handy instrumentation listing (which is also linked from within the metadata of each file) we'll never wonder again. Hallelujah, yahweh.