¿Cuál canciones son sus favoritos?
There are currently 92 songs posted. 92 SONGS!!! OKay, song might be too strong of a word. I should say there are 92 individual improvisational recordings, ranging in length from 57 seconds (wait stop) to 15 minutes (Cuban). These recordings have been made in a variety of places, using equipment ranging from a hand-held dictaphone to Tascam 4-tracks, to multi-channel, hi-resolution DAW interfaces. So my questions is: what makes for a good jam? Is it the location, the state-of-mind, the persons present, or the sweater Will happened to be wearing? And does everyone agree on which jams are the best? I'm curious... So, I'm proposing that everyone post their favorite jams. Try to keep your list to between 10 and 20 tracks.
Ready, set... GO!
Ready, set... GO!