Blazars in Outest Space
Scientists confirm the discovery of Blazars in Outest Space!!
From the article:
The English language simply lacks the ability to get across the staggering scale of these events - because it doesn't have a case above upper or letters bigger than capital. You can try writing down the values as numbers, but they end up being so stupidly huge that our monkey brains, programmed to deal with "one two three lots", just don't comprehend them.Full article here....
Needless to say, this development is a huge boon for the Barbarian Tide. We're going to be rich, guys. Richer than in your wildest dreams. And you can take that to the bank.
We did it. We finally did it.
Hahavheehviahahhahahvhiehi'k;s shshshisahahhahaha.
That might have been the funniest thing you ever did.
Thank you, thank you.
Note the similarity to this post from 1/1/09.
Do you believe in Kara Thrace-like omens?
In fact I do, oh shit, we're all gunna die.
Oh wait, we are all gunna die. Oh well. I still believe.
I believe too.
I believe in destiny, and that everyone has their part to play, and that some people's parts require them to be the only one who knows what they're supposed to do.
What confounds me is whether destiny requires the Thraces to go out and convince the people around them, to bring all the actors in place. Without this type of persistence in the face of unbelievers, will destiny still work as planned? Is mere knowledge of one's place insufficient without application of this knowledge in some pre-determined way??
Gimme some answers. Anyone.
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