
Chicken Apple Sausage

Why Josh gotta play Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" e'rytime I
play some tasty chords??

Seriously, tell me why.


Blogger WILLYTHEKID said...

1. don't look now, but I will give you 3 examples where josh does not play 'Wish You Were Here' when you play some tasty chords.
2. I only say that because I think josh's guitarmanship is underrated by a factor of 4.
3. 'chicken apple sausasge' is the only song I can find where Sid and Josh SING!!! on the same track.. awsome.

6/11/06 7:38 PM  
Blogger sidharth said...

1. I like your multi-prong posting style, Willy!

2. Can you even hear my vocals on that track?? (No.)

3. The only reason it's me and Josh is that Willy the Kid was face down asleep on the garage floor!!!

4. Let the record reflect that I think Josh's guitarmanship is solid. It is only overshadowed by his general, instrument non-specific musicianship. What does that mean? The guy can play lotsa instruments pretty damn well. (I can't do that.)

5. And on the subject of the Sid+Josh collaborations, I must also taut those as the best, easiest, most comfortable, most familiar, most expressive, and closest to what we both hear in our heads. We are each other's first musical partners; we understand each other's musical signals and tendencies best. We developed these with each other, after all! (Nate, don't feel bad. We love you too.)

6/11/06 8:42 PM  
Blogger funkysat said...

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6/12/06 5:55 PM  

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