
Summa Jam 06'

sunny jams are fun. if anyone is around this summa. starting:now (May), ending:november (lets give ourselves some time to work with here) LETS DO DIS!! Post some availability to this blog here and we can getit togetha.

oh, and for the commitment challenged among us, a comment of "X" will sufficiently alert all of us to your having read the post... No Sat, Im not just talking to you.


Blogger sidharth said...

How's about something on the weekend of 5/19 - 5/21?

I've heard some rumblings of tentative time-conflicts, but Sunday looks clear. Nothing's ruled out, though.

Perhaps we could setup/soundcheck on Friday or Saturday, and then get to the rockin' in earnest on Sunday. All of this can happen at my house.

5/13/06 6:38 PM  
Blogger joshlando said...

Generally Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays work best for me. Here are times over the next few months that I'm for sure NOT available:

The rest of may
june 2-4
june 9-11 (tentative)
june 17
june 24
july 14
july 21-23
july 28-30
aug 11-13
aug 26

5/15/06 1:03 PM  
Blogger funkysat said...

Hey Hey Hey ...just wanted to say X!

Ha ha..nah...jamming should be cool. Let me know da love?

5/21/06 7:10 PM  
Blogger funkysat said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

5/21/06 7:11 PM  
Blogger sidharth said...

Guess we got no jammies this summa.

[breaks guitar over knee, and walks into dark jungle]

5/25/06 5:37 PM  

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