
Blogging Makes Your Thingy Bigger

I think my house worked out well as a Barbarian Tide Venue. It's in Fremont, just yards from the original location (Will's house), so no one should have a problem getting there. Further, my garage is nice until 10pm, and the sunroom is nice for nighttime sessions. This should not preclude any jams in my absence, since I'm not home all that often these days.

Two Days.
An esteemed colleague suggested that we might benefit from a 2-day BarbTide jam since (a) it has started to take much longer to set up the gear to our increasingly high standards, (b) we all have less time to just hang out and play at this age, and (c) some fatigue sets in as the excitement and adrenaline wears off. These problems would all be resolved if one of has would sack up and buy a house with an extra room for a perma-studio. Until that happens, however, we can use my house to set up on one day, play for a few hours, and then do other things. The next day, then, we can return for the playing in earnest. We'll be fresh, we'll have some material from the first day, and the new day to devote entirely to playing (not setting up). Also, if you're busy one day, you should show up the other day. Or else face the wrath of us singing about you in your absence. Hey, those are the breaks.

I add one thing to this idea. Since the garage has a 10pm cut off, and a lot of our magic occurs after 10pm, we might try this 2-day session in my sunroom. That room is free of most time restrictions. Or, in the alternative, we can just try to limit the volume (with no acoustic instruments, this should be easy) in the garage so as to avoid neighborhood complaints.

Next Time.

I shall be home next for the entire end of May. Let's plan on incorporating the ideas above into that next session. My mommy will be home then too, so we'll probably have some excellent food to soak up all the beers. I hope my mom doesn't read this and see that I've volunteered her to cook for us 2 months in advance! Oh sh*t!!!

Post comments to this (in the Comments section)!! Let's see what you think!! Blogging makes your thingy get bigger. Ask Josh.


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